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Outreachy Week 1 – Week 3: Working Remotely is Hard
Time flies! I am already into the 3rd week of the internship, which is also a perfect time for a retrospective. This is an honest share to what working remotely has been like for me and also a report to record what I've been doing these ... -
【推薦】開源與網頁開發 Podcast-the changelog / CodeNewbie
上了研究所,沒住學校附近後 每天這樣來回共兩小時的車程 真的...真的...超累人的!!! (而且又很浪費時間) 在車上怕睡著、睡過頭 於是開始聽 podcast 其中最想跟大家推薦的是 the changelog 以及 CodeNewbie the changelog 是什麼? changelog 意思為...